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Fine Tune Your Freediving With Lobster Neck Weight

Fine-Tune Your Freediving with Lobster Neck Weight

Revolutionary Weight Design for Optimal Underwater Positioning

WEB Lobster Neck Weight introduces an innovative design that empowers freedivers to meticulously adjust their body position and maintain perfect balance in the water. This unique weight system is tailored specifically for the demanding requirements of freediving.

The Lobster Neck Weight system allows freedivers to customize their weighting according to their individual characteristics. By selecting the ideal base weight, divers can achieve optimal buoyancy for their specific needs.

Enhanced Comfort for Seamless Underwater Experience

Version 1 of the Lobster Neck Weight has undergone refinements to provide an enhanced level of comfort. The modified shape conforms more comfortably to the neck, minimizing discomfort and allowing freedivers to focus solely on their underwater exploration.

Versatility for Different Freediving Styles

WEB Lobster Neck Weight can be used for a range of freediving techniques, including:

  • Constant weight freediving
  • Variable weight freediving
  • No-fins freediving

By enabling freedivers to fine-tune their weighting, the Lobster Neck Weight system supports a variety of freediving styles, empowering divers to achieve their maximum potential in the underwater realm.
